Sample Chapter

Mt 1:18–24

She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins
(v. 21)

Today is the solemnity of St Joseph a saint of scripture the foster father of our Lord Jesus Christ Though an object of the universal and absolute faith of the Christian world from the first the devotion to St Joseph came to be popular comparatively at a later date When once it began men seemed surprised that it had not been thought of before and now we hold him next to the Blessed Virgin in our religious affection and veneration

As you take one long look at the choirs of saints in heaven in your mind’s eye you catch sight of saints dazzling in all colours in terms of witnessing to Christ’s life in their lives as martyrs in royal red wonder-workers eloquent preachers eminent authors mighty leaders untiring missionaries and numerous others with their multiple talents and most tremendous human accomplishments

Then you come to today’s saint What dazzling colours is he found in Not of course in the royal red of martyrs nor the gold of a world leader nor the pulpit of a great preacher nor the scroll of a great author

No What is caught sight of is just a small workshop adjacent to a little hut the door of which says Joseph and Son carpenters

But then when the whole galaxy of saints in heaven start telling stories of their earthly accomplishments and achievements which of them has the last laugh It’s none other than the saint of the day St Joseph the humble carpenter Which of the other saints had the honour of being entrusted with the earthly parental rights over child Jesus conceived in Mary from the Holy Spirit Which of the other saints except Blessed Mother Mary can say every day for almost thirty years I sat at table with the growing boy who was the Son of God and the Saviour of mankind Daily I watched Him shaping into manhood and helped him grow into good stature so as to enable him to undertake his public ministry in view of the salvation of man I taught him his prayers I showed him how to make chairs and tables I couldn’t count the times I held him in my arms when he was little the times he hugged me and kissed me the meals we ate together the miles we travelled together the joy we had in working together and in the end my having had the good fortune of enjoying a peaceful death in the presence of Mary my wife and Jesus my son in their flesh


St Joseph foster Father of Jesus you are and always were a humble man a good and holy man You gave protection to child Jesus and Mary the Mother You ever kept close to Jesus and Mary and protected them from all impending dangers that were to befall on them and thus saved the Holy Family the model of all Christian families and the Church O guardian St Joseph we pray that you be ever with us and intercede for us in heaven for our protection and salvation